Black Rice. Along with red and purple varieties, this grain is gaining popularity in the United States, probably because it's long been consumed in Asia due to its health benefits. Supplement your diet with black rice, says one study, and your risk of heart disease will drop. So will your chance for inflammation.
Black Beans. Much better than light-colored beans, these high-fiber treats might halt the growth of cancer in the colon, liver, and breast.
Black Tea. Drinking several cups of flavonoid-rich black tea a day may provide heart-health benefits, sheild you against neurological decline as you age, and arm you with anti-cancer protection. Also calorie-free (just don't add milk and sugar), its caffeine may help improve your workout.
Blackberries. Rich in polyphenols, blackberries were found in one study to stop the growth of colon-cancer cells. They may also help prevent diseases related to chronic inflammation
Don't be surprised if you see other black foods emerging on the health-food scene. Several specialty black crops are popping up lately. Mushroom and potato crops are two.
Any black foods you'd recommend we try? Please share.