So for those you remarkable folks out there who are looking to start a workout, but wonder if there are any tips a heavier person should be aware of, here are I few I feel are worth mentioning:
Don't starve yourself. Heavier people tend to burn calories more quickly than skinny people, so you do not want to deny yourself the fuel you need to complete your workouts.
Drink plenty of water. Bigger people tend to sweat quite a bit, which means that they are losing plenty of water. Be sure to replenish that lost water and then-some.
Instead of buying a fancy pair of sneakers that come with everything from an iPod attachment to a sun roof and drivetrain warranty, opt for a pair that is more designed for comfort and durability than style.
Keep your underarms, inner thighs, and even your nipples lubed with Vaseline or sports lubes like Bodyglide (strange, I know, but it will prevent some serious chaffing from happening).
Apart from what was mentioned, you of course should always check with your doctor first to see if a regular exercise program is right for you. If anyone has any additional tips they'd like to offer, be my guest!!