I know in my house, all of the outdoor activity promotes an insatiable hunger in my skinny three-year-old, and I want him to get the fuel he needs so he can enjoy riding his bike and playing in the sprinkler. Junk foods just aren't going to cut it.
CBS News shares some healthy and fun snack ideas as seen on the Today Show. Frozen orange pops, turkey sliders, and peanut butter banana bites are just a sampling of the recipes you'll find.
I like the idea of serving mini meals as snacks, since most kids are too busy to eat a complete meal much of the time. I know my little guy won't sit still for a well-rounded dinner! This sneaky snack trick ensures that your kids will get the nutrition they need by the end of the day.
One criticism I have of the presented snacks, though, is that most of them take some prep time, so they aren't going to be snacks served by you every day. Some easier snack ideas that are big hits in our house:
- veggies sticks dipped in almond butter or hummus
- fruit salad
- brown rice crackers and avocado
- turkey slices wrapped around veggies