Research says we're not so nutty after all, because getting too little sleep or not spending enough time in rapid eye movement (REM) sleep is associated with overweight tendencies among children and teens.
Compared to normal-weight children, one study found that overweight kids slept about 22 minutes less per night and had lower sleep efficiency, shorter REM sleep, less eye activity during REM sleep, and a longer wait before the first REM period. One hour less of total sleep was associated with a twofold increased risk of being overweight. One hour less of REM sleep was associated with a threefold increased risk.
What's the deal? It seems sleep loss causes changes in hormone levels that may affect hunger. Less sleep also allows for more waking hours in which to eat. In addition, sleep loss leads to fatigue, less physical activity, and fewer calories burned. A vicious cycle for sure. And one I plan to avoid for my kiddos. Bedtime tonight: 8 PM. On the dot.