If you haven't heard by now,
researchers have found that women who take birth control pills may be choosing or staying with the wrong mate due to their influence upon sense of smell. Humans typically, as part of the survival of the species, naturally are attracted to those of the opposite sex who genetically have a different make up. Our sense of smell guides us towards choosing our ideal mate for procreation. I don't know about you but the way someone smells can make or break my moving forward in a relationship. I love the way my boyfriend smells and I have to admit, even more when he gets back from the gym! Is that TMI? We've been together almost two years and I have always had a sense that our genes would make great babies, not that more kiddos from my body are in my future! Anyway, oral contraceptives are not on my daily menu so I feel pretty good that I can trust my sense of smell in telling me that genetically he is a great match for me.
The study was conducted by a few folks at the University of Liverpool. One hundred and ten women were given t-shirts previously worn by men who were similar and dissimilar in genetic make up as determined by researchers. None of the women were taking oral contraceptives when the study commenced. In the beginning, most of the participants typically were attracted to the scent of men who were genetically a good match. Later in the study, forty of the women began taking the pill and then all participants were tested again. The result? Those on the pill were more attracted to the scent of men who were similar in genetic make up and not the best match for making babies.
Wow. Now that's something to ponder.